
The Pommeau de Normandie dis­til­ler­ies and estates are open to vis­it­ors all year round. Count­less tast­ings, activ­it­ies and dis­cov­er­ies await you!

  • La Distillerie des Ambres


    La Dis­til­le­rie des Ambres, loca­ted near Cam­bre­mer, embo­dies the his­to­ry of the Schlum­ber­ger family, for whom the Pays d’Auge has become a che­ri­shed homeland. 

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    Le Domaine des 5 Autels is above all a family story with shared values : excel­lence and envi­ron­men­tal protection.

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  • Calvados Dupont


    The Louis Dupont family estate : The quin­tes­sence of the apple from an ele­gant and rich terroir.

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  • Calvados Garnier


    Dis­til­le­rie Gar­nier was foun­ded in the heart of the Normandy Bocage in 1877 and has been handed down from father to son for 5 gene­ra­tions. We have been pro­du­cing Calvados and Pom­meau de Nor­man­die in the purest craft tra­di­tion for 140 years. Our pro­ducts are sur­pri­sin­gly fruity and incre­di­bly authentic.

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  • Calvados Préaux


    Loca­ted in the Normandy Bocage, Calvados Préaux upholds the tra­di­tion of Calvados making, craf­ting pro­ducts of the highest quality.

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  • Cave de la Loterie


    At the Cave de la Lote­rie (a cider works in Clécy in the Suisse-Nor­mande), Regis Aubry grows and pro­cesses orga­nic apples and pears. He is always happy to receive visi­tors for tas­tings, tours and direct sales at the property. 

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  • La Spiriterie Française, Château du Breuil, Normandie

    Le Breuil-en-Auge

    This, one of the most pres­ti­gious dis­til­le­ries of Calvados, set in a 16th-17th cen­tu­ry châ­teau, pro­duces a wide range of Calvados Pays d’Auge and Calvados-based pro­ducts, from the most tra­di­tio­nal to the most innovative. 

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  • Christian Drouin

    Pont Lévêque

    Maison Drouin is a family-owned Pays d’Auge craft dis­til­le­ry nest­ling in the middle of a tra­di­tio­nal high stem orchard and spe­cia­li­sing in the craf­ting of vin­tage Calvados. 

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  • Cidre Lemasson


    Farm-based, orga­nic and sus­tai­nable pro­duc­tion. Tra­di­tio­nal pro­ces­sing in kee­ping with ances­tral savoir-faire. Modern and enga­ging marketing. 

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  • Claque-Pépin


    We bring you the finest tra­di­tio­nal Normandy pro­ducts to delight your taste buds. 

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  • Comte Louis de Lauriston


    Crea­ted to put a stop to ille­gal Calvados pro­duc­tion in the Dom­fron­tais region, the Calvados Comte Louis de Lau­ris­ton cel­lars now house the for­got­ten trea­sures from the time of illi­cit dis­til­ling, along with a unique range of vin­tages from seve­ral decades which are expor­ted to over 20 countries. 

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  • Desvoye cider farm


    A third-gene­ra­tion family-owned farm that blends authen­ti­ci­ty with modernity. 

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  • Didier Lemorton


    Spe­cia­li­sing in old vin­tage Dom­fron­tais Calvados, the Lemor­ton family has been mana­ging the family estate for 3 generations. 

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  • Distillerie Busnel


    Foun­ded in the heart of the Pay d’Auge in 1820, Dis­til­le­rie Busnel is the first major Calvados House. You can visit one of the last great wor­king dis­til­le­ries and learn all about the pro­duc­tion of its Calvados in a typi­cal Normandy setting. 

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  • Distillerie Coquerel


    We have been pro­du­cing Calvados, Pom­meau, cider and gin since 1937 in our family dis­til­le­ry loca­ted just a few kilo­metres from Mont-Saint-Michel. We proud­ly uphold the Calvados tra­di­tions, but are first and fore­most entre­pre­neurs with a love of inno­va­tion. These eau-de-vies have been selec­ted and blen­ded for their unique cha­rac­ters and their aro­ma­tic pro­files that represent the finest ter­roirs of Normandy. 

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  • Distillerie La Monnerie


    The moment you enter our cel­lars, the odour inter­ro­gates you : should you stay quiet and just taste, or speak up and share ? Come and par­take in an authen­tic expe­rience in which you will learn all about the pro­duc­tion of AOC Calvados in our cel­lars that are home to 100-year-old casks. 

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  • Domaine de la Duretière


    An orga­nic family farm, with 17 hec­tares of orchards, loca­ted in the Calvados Dom­fron­tais, Calvados, and Pom­meau de Nor­man­die appel­la­tions. Calvados apple gro­wers and producers. 

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  • Domaine de la Flaguerie

    Ducy Sainte-Marguerite

    Domaine de la Fla­gue­rie is a family farm loca­ted in the Bessin region of Normandy since 1835. Our orchards are mana­ged orga­ni­cal­ly and we pro­cess our apples into the tra­di­tio­nal local products. 

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  • Domaine de la Galotière


    This family estate in the tra­di­tio­nal set­ting of the Pays d’Auge has been worked orga­ni­cal­ly since 1997. Dating back to the 17th cen­tu­ry, Domaine de la Galo­tière com­bines tra­di­tion and inno­va­tion, in both its buil­dings and pro­ducts. The estate has picked up medals at nume­rous competitions. 

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  • Domaine de Rugueville


    Nico­las Flam­bard, grower and pro­du­cer in Port­bail, Normandy, sells his apple-based pro­ducts on the estate. These include cider, Pom­meau, Calvados, apple juice, apple cider vine­gar… As these beve­rages are pro­du­ced using care­ful craft methods, some boast cer­ti­fi­ca­tions such as AOP Conten­tin Cider or orga­nic apple juice. 

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  • Domaine des 5D


    Domaine des 5D is loca­ted in the heart of the Pays d’Auge, just out­side Lisieux and its famous basi­li­ca. It sits at the foot of its hil­l­side orchards, in a spot for­mer­ly known as the Pré des Vignes, in refe­rence to the vines once grown there. 

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  • Domaine des Hauts Vents


    The Cabou­let family has been per­pe­tua­ting the tra­di­tion of craf­ting cider-based pro­ducts on its 17th-cen­tu­ry estate for three generations.

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  • Domaine Duclos‑Fougeray


    A cider farm and dis­til­le­ry loca­ted in the heart of the Pays de Bray in a typi­cal Normandy farm­house. Cider, Pom­meau, Calvados, apple juice and apple cider vine­gar production. 

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  • Ferme de Billy


    The Ferme de Billy is a brand, a place and a family spirit : authen­ti­ci­ty, convi­via­li­ty, res­pect for nature and local Normandy tra­di­tions, where eve­ryone is wel­come, young and old. 

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  • Ferme de Cutesson


    This 65-hec­tare family farm has been worked orga­ni­cal­ly since 1996. We sell all our pro­ducts through short dis­tri­bu­tion chan­nels : four mar­kets a week (two of which are orga­nic, in the Côte Fleu­rie), direct from the farm, at shows, through orga­nic spe­cia­list shops, cafés, hotels, res­tau­rants and small food stores. 

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  • Ferme de la Motte


    The Ferme de la Motte is a family-owned farm where we take great care of the land and the trees by orga­nic agri­cul­ture, replan­ting hed­ge­rows, har­ves­ting the fruit by hand, cider pro­duc­tion using natu­ral secon­da­ry fer­men­ta­tion. If the way we do things inter­ests you, then come along and meet us !

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  • Ferme de la Sapinière


    The Ferme de la Sapi­nière pro­duces all of its ciders using natu­ral fer­men­ta­tion, without the addi­tion of carbon dioxide. It also pro­duces Pom­meau de Nor­man­die and Calvados. Guided tours are avai­lable allo­wing visi­tors to learn more about our delec­table Normandy beverages. 

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  • Ferme de la Vallée au Tanneur


    A tra­di­tio­nal orga­nic farm, where Normandy cows graze under the high stem apple trees. 

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  • Ferme des Parquets


    Ciders, per­ries, apple juices, pear juices, Pom­meau de Nor­man­die, Pays d’Auge Calvados : all pro­du­ced on our farm from our 2,000 trees gro­wing 70 dif­ferent varieties. 

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  • Ferme du Ponctey


    Pro­du­cers of cider, AOC Calvados and Pom­meau de Nor­man­die using only apples from our own orchards. Come along and taste our pro­ducts on our family farm loca­ted in the Pays de la Risle, 20 km from Honfleur.

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  • Gaec de Claids


    Pro­du­cer of cider and cider-based pro­ducts, the GAEC de Claids farm is situa­ted in the Le Coten­tin area of Normandy. 

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  • La Maison du Père Tranquille


    Maison du Père Tran­quille has been dis­tri­bu­ting qua­li­ty Normandy pro­ducts, in par­ti­cu­lar Rollon Calvados, aged in its own cellar in Routot, for three generations.

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  • La Cave Normande


    Pro­du­cers of Calvados, perry, cider, apple and pear juice since 1950… a family know-how and exper­tise when it comes to deligh­ting the taste buds ! 

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  • La Maison Ferré


    Maison Ferré is an ideal stop for anyone who loves nature and appre­ciates authen­ti­ci­ty. This family-owned cider pro­du­cer and dis­til­le­ry are loca­ted in the heart of the Perche Regio­nal Park, where the state-owned forests and hills give this natu­ral region its typi­cal character. 

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  • Le Lieu Chéri


    Alexandre and Pau­line work with great pas­sion and a desire to prac­tice their craft as natu­ral­ly and res­pect­ful­ly as pos­sible, in kee­ping with four gene­ra­tions of savoir-faire. 

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  • Le Père Jules

    St-Désir de Lisieux

    A family story, the story of a passion…

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  • Le Père Mahieu


    Come along and visit our orga­nic craft cider farm and dis­til­le­ry in the typi­cal set­ting of a 1920s farmstead. 

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  • Le Pressoir


    A warm wel­come, qua­li­ty pro­ducts, an expla­na­tion of our work and a tas­ting of our products. 

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  • Les Bruyères Carré


    Handed down from gene­ra­tion to gene­ra­tion, the Les Bruyères Carré farm loca­ted in Moyaux, in the Calvados depart­ment, is an authen­tic Normandy Pays d’Auge cider farm that is really worth a visit ! 

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  • Les Vergers du Chouquet


    The Ver­gers du Cho­quet cider works crafts AOC/AOP pro­ducts on their farm loca­ted on the Pays d’Auge hil­l­sides. They are com­mit­ted to an exten­sive and tra­di­tio­nal type production. 

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  • Lieu Roussel

    Douville-en Auge

    Sur­roun­ded by high stem orchards, through which cows graze, our farm is our place of work. We are deligh­ted to receive visi­tors to show them the work on our farm and the origin of our products. 

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  • Maison Hérout


    Maison Hérout was foun­ded in Auvers, in the heart of the Le Coten­tin region, in 1946. It has been a pio­neer in orga­nic cider-based pro­duc­tion excel­lence since the 70s. 

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  • Maison Périgault


    We are a third-gene­ra­tion family cider-pro­du­cing estate next to the Haras du Pin (Le Pin stud farm). We offer guided tours of our pro­per­ty by appoint­ment, as well as direct sales of our pro­ducts on-site. 

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  • Manoir d’Apreval


    17 Pays d’Auge varie­ties of cider apples are plan­ted here on 20 hec­tares of orga­nic orchards loca­ted by the sea. We are a farm pro­du­cing craft pro­ducts in a typi­cal Normandy setting. 

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  • Manoir de Grandouet


    Loca­ted on the “Route du Cidre” (Cider Route) near the vil­lage of Cam­bre­mer, in the heart of the Pays d’Auge, the Manoir de Gran­douet cellar is open to visi­tors throu­ghout the year. The ter­roir and the cli­mate make this an excellent loca­tion for cider production. 

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  • Manoir de Montreuil


    A tra­di­tio­nal family farm spe­cia­li­sed in old AOC Pays d’Auge Calvados. 

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  • Michel Bréavoine


    Just a stone’s throw from Pont l’Évêque, the Bréa­voine cider farm has been pro­ces­sing the fruit from its 40 hec­tares of orchards for three gene­ra­tions, pro­du­cing the finest ciders, Pom­meau and Calvados.

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  • Michel Huard


    Apple gro­wers and pro­du­cers of vin­tage Calvados for seven gene­ra­tions in the Orne Bocage countryside. 

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  • Pacory – Ferme des Grimaux


    In Normandy, in the heart of the Dom­front region, the land of the pear, our family farm pro­duces cider-based pro­ducts ori­gi­na­ting from high stem orchards where the grass is grazed by our herd of Normandy cows. 

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  • Pierre Huet


    Loca­ted on the “Route du Cidre” (Cider Route) in the heart of Normandy’s Pays d’Auge, Domaine Pierre Huet com­prises 30 hec­tares of orchards gro­wing 25 varie­ties of cider apples. Since 2010, the dis­til­le­ry has been using an inno­va­tive hea­ting system unique within the Normandy region : wood chips. 

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  • Spirit France Diffusion


    Spirit France Diffusion’s acti­vi­ty is based on the craf­ting of high-qua­li­ty pro­ducts, using its exten­sive savoir-faire. These are pro­ducts with a strong iden­ti­ty, rooted in a ter­roir, and pro­tec­ted by an AOC. Père Magloire, Calvados Bou­lard and Lecompte are our three lea­ding Calvados brands. 

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  • Théo Capelle


    The Théo Capelle cider works invites you to dis­co­ver all the fla­vours of AOC Calvados, AOC Pom­meau de Nor­man­die and Coten­tin AOP ciders during your visit to the estate. 

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