

Maison Périgault

Our products

Calvados Pays d’Auge, Cider, Perry, Pommeau de Normandie


Les mers de Say
61310 Gouffern-en-Auge

Opening hours

The estate shop is open all year round for the sale of our pro­ducts from 9:00 to 19:00.
Visits by appoint­ment on Tel. +33 (0)6 14 91 77 57.


Gérald Périgault
Tél. : 02 33 67 11 85

Languages spoken

French – English

We are a third-generation family cider-producing estate next to the Haras du Pin (Le Pin stud farm). We offer guided tours of our property by appointment, as well as direct sales of our products on-site.

The Per­igault family estate is nest­led in the heart of the Gouf­fern forest, on the edge of the Orne Pays d’Auge area. We have been per­pe­tua­ting the tra­di­tion of cider-making since 1920, har­ves­ting our fruit exclu­si­ve­ly from our 3,000 apple trees in our tra­di­tio­nal high stem and low stem orchards plan­ted with about 30 varie­ties of cider apples.

The entire pro­per­ty was cer­ti­fied orga­nic in 2015i and every year we pro­duce our own cider, com­ple­te­ly and natu­ral­ly fer­men­ted from apple juice, on-site. Our savoir-faire and expe­rience, com­bi­ned, where appro­priate, with a few modern tech­niques intro­du­ced by Gérald, are the dri­ving forces behind our pro­duc­tion, which focuses on qua­li­ty rather than quan­ti­ty. We are com­mit­ted to per­pe­tua­ting this savoir-faire and deligh­ted to wel­come our cus­to­mers to the estate to tell them more about our high-qua­li­ty beve­rages made using eco-friend­ly prac­tices : apple juice, cork-sealed farm cider, perry, cider vine­gar, Pom­meau de Nor­man­die, Apéri’go, Pays d’Auge Calvados.

A favou­rite stop with tour ope­ra­tors on the Normandy tou­rist cir­cuit, right next to the 926 depart­men­tal road bet­ween Argen­tan and the Haras Natio­nal du Pin (Le Pin natio­nal stud farm) (10 km), we offer groups guided tours hosted by the owner (by appoint­ment): visi­tors will see the har­ves­ting equip­ment and the press before ente­ring the cider cellar and dis­til­le­ry, where the wor­kings of the typi­cal Pays d’Auge pot still will be explai­ned. After wal­king through the Calvados ageing cellar, there will be a tas­ting of apple juice, cider, perry, Pom­meau, apéri’go (a house spe­cia­li­ty) and a whole host of Pays d’Auge AOC Calvados. This tour, which lasts bet­ween 45 and 90 minutes, can be booked by tele­phone or email.

The estate has just been enti­re­ly reno­va­ted, with tar­ma­cked roads, car and coach par­king, and toilets.

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