

Manoir d’Apreval

Our products

Calvados, Calvados Pays d’Auge, Cider, Pommeau de Normandie


5 chemin des Mesliers
14600 Pennedepie

Opening hours

Monday to Friday all year round and wee­kends from 15 March to 15 November
From 10:00to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00 (19:00 in July and August)


Agathe Letellier
Tél. : 02 31 14 88 24

Languages spoken

French – English – German – Spanish

17 Pays d’Auge varieties of cider apples are planted here on 20 hectares of organic orchards located by the sea. We are a farm producing craft products in a typical Normandy setting.

20 years ago, on an estate that has always been farmed, we exten­ded the apple and pear tree orchards and turned our atten­tion exclu­si­ve­ly to the pro­ces­sing of apples and pears. Pure juice, tra­di­tio­nal methods, natu­ral­ly spark­ling pro­ducts, ter­roir expres­sion and res­pect for the land have been, and conti­nue to be, our gui­ding prin­ciples when we make our pro­duc­tion decisions.

Today, we pro­duce pure apple and pear juices, barrel-aged cider vine­gar, 3 types of vin­tage ciders, two-year-old Pom­meau de Nor­man­die, as well as blen­ded and vin­tage Pays d’Auge Calvados.

We are deligh­ted to wel­come our cus­to­mers to the estate (by appoint­ment), where they will learn more about our work through tours and tas­tings and enjoy lunch in our Victor pri­vate dining room. The hos­pi­ta­li­ty areas are sur­roun­ded by orchards and gras­sed terraces.

We are loca­ted on the char­ming coas­tal road run­ning bet­ween Hon­fleur and Trou­ville-Deau­ville, set bet­ween the sea and the countryside.

We also ship our pro­ducts to cus­to­mers in France or abroad, with a focus on our export mar­kets. Our cus­to­mers are dis­tri­bu­tors in spe­cia­list dis­tri­bu­tion chan­nels, but we mainly sell direct.

We are part of the Orga­nic and Local net­work and the “Bien­ve­nue à la ferme” (Wel­come to the Farm) asso­cia­tion. We are also acti­ve­ly invol­ved in the ‘Calvados Time’ events.

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