Ferme du


Ferme du Ponctey

Our products

Calvados, Cider, Pommeau de Normandie


2159 Côte Deshayes
27500 Triqueville

Opening hours

9:30–12:00 / 13:30–19:00


Philippe Jaouen
Tél. : 02 32 42 10 37

Languages spoken

French ‑English

Producers of cider, AOC Calvados and Pommeau de Normandie using only apples from our own orchards. Come along and taste our products on our family farm located in the Pays de la Risle, 20 km from Honfleur.

The Ferme du Ponc­tey is loca­ted on the Lieu­vin pla­teau over­loo­king Tri­que­ville and its valley near Pont-Aude­mer in the Calvados appel­la­tion area in Normandy. Our mis­sion is to keep alive the tra­di­tion of pro­du­cing authen­tic alco­ho­lic beve­rages cha­rac­te­ris­tic of our terroir.

Our pro­ducts are craf­ted on the farm with res­pect for the natu­ral expres­sion of the apples, using tra­di­tio­nal fer­men­ta­tion and dis­til­la­tion methods, and focu­sing on human savoir-faire. Our pro­ducts are the­re­fore very dif­ferent from the usual mass-pro­du­ced beverages.

It is now over 25 years since we took over the Ferme du Ponc­tey and deci­ded to recon­nect with the cider-making his­to­ry of the loca­tion which was the site of a German aero­drome during the Occu­pa­tion. We the­re­fore plan­ted our orchard around the farm­house and set up the cider-making faci­li­ty and ageing cel­lars in the his­to­ric buil­dings. Two gene­ra­tions of the Jaouen family cur­rent­ly manage and main­tain the orchard, har­vest the apples and pro­duce our ciders, Calvados and Pom­meau, whilst also gro­wing cereals. The “Pro­duit fer­mier” [Farm pro­duce] label indi­cates that each step of the pro­duc­tion pro­cess was car­ried out on our estate, using only our own apples. This is a gua­ran­tee that you will be enjoying authen­tic pro­ducts from our ter­roir with all its spe­ci­fic characteristics.

Our estate shop is open to visi­tors throu­ghout the year. Here you can try our dif­ferent pro­ducts and learn about our savoir-faire in an illus­tra­ted commentary.

We also offer bed and break­fast on a tra­di­tio­nal Normandy farm­stead, 6 km from Pont-Aude­mer, the “Venice of Normandy” and the bir­th­place of Pommeau.

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