What’s the best way to
enjoy Pommeau de Normandie?

Delect­ably lus­cious, Pommeau is best enjoyed chilled: as an aper­itif, over the course of a meal, or at the end, like a “vin doux naturel”. Its smooth­ness makes it the ideal ingredi­ent for bar­tenders and bud­ding cooks.

Cocktail with Pommeau de Normandie

Pommeau de Normandie boasts an incredibly fine balance of flavours. It is the result of a subtle blend of the deep aromas and flavours of the Calvados and the freshness of the apple juice.

Cocktail POCITO at Cabourg mon Amour

Pommeau de Normandie has a great aro­mat­ic com­plex­ity: it boasts fruity, empyreu­mat­ic or even spicy and oaky notes thanks to its age­ing in French oak barrels.

It is clear and bright in appear­ance with an amber or mahogany hue. Pommeau de Normandie reveals a subtle bal­ance of sweet­ness, acid­ity and bit­ter­ness and is char­ac­ter­ised by a very rich array of aromas: almonds, can­died fruit, prunes or cocoa.

The ideal serving tem­per­at­ure to appre­ci­ate its smooth char­ac­ter and all its fruity fla­vours is 8 to 10°C. It can be served with or without the addi­tion of ice, accord­ing to the time of year and per­son­al preferences.

Pommeau de Normandie is best enjoyed well chilled.
Serve a glass of Pommeau at the bar

When served with a meal, it works really well with foie gras, mel­on, blue cheese, apple pie or chocol­ate desserts.

It can also be enjoyed as an after-din­ner “sip­per”, ideally with a thin square of dark chocolate.

The sweet­ness of Pommeau can also be great for cook­ing, in meat and fish sauces, to make a syr­up or a vinai­grette, or for fla­vour­ing a fruit salad or custard.

And, of course, Pommeau de Normandie can also be enjoyed in ori­gin­al cock­tails and refresh­ing long drinks.

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