Ferme de
la Motte


Ferme de la Motte

Our products

Calvados Domfrontais, Cider, Perry, Pommeau de Normandie


La Motte
50720 St-Cyr-du-Bailleul

Opening hours

From 10:00 to 18:00


Jérôme Lecrosnier
Tél. : 02 33 69 37 17

Languages spoken

French – Spanish 

The Ferme de la Motte is a family-owned farm where we take great care of the land and the trees by organic agriculture, replanting hedgerows, harvesting the fruit by hand, cider production using natural secondary fermentation. If the way we do things interests you, then come along and meet us !

The Ferme de la Motte is loca­ted in the heart of the Normandy coun­try­side, one hour from Mont St Michel and 15 minutes from Dom­front and Mor­tain. Our family has lived on this dairy and cider farm for three gene­ra­tions. The remar­kable 18th-cen­tu­ry house is impo­sing and lumi­nous and the­re­fore makes quite an impres­sion on visi­tors seeing it for the first time.

You will find it on our labels and can see it when you come for a farm-stay holiday.

We deci­ded to farm orga­ni­cal­ly in 2008 and this has been accom­pa­nied by the replan­ting of hed­ge­rows and the ins­tal­la­tion of seve­ral bee­hives. We har­vest our fruit by hand with help of family mem­bers and wor­kers from the Baren­ton ESET (centre pro­vi­ding care through employment).

Our AOP (PDO) Dom­front per­ries result from natu­ral secon­da­ry fer­men­ta­tion. We delight in pro­du­cing super tasty apple and pear juices, made from a dozen or so varie­ties, which are always highly appre­cia­ted. Our range also includes farm ciders, AOC Pom­meau de Nor­man­die and AOC Dom­fron­tais Calvados.

We receive visi­tors in our cel­lars by appoint­ment. We always try to create human rela­tion­ships with all our cus­to­mers, whe­ther local or from abroad.

To visit this website, you must be of legal age to purchase or consume alcohol. If there is no such legislation in your country, you must be at least 18 years old.

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The abuse of alcohol is dangerous for your health, you must drink responsibly.