Vallee d’Auge Ramen

Recipe by Mizu, in Rouen (France).

The Chef’s note: ‘This is a rein­ven­ted ramen that will make your mouth water with every bite! The umami is spot on. The broth is per­fectly bal­anced, with the subtle acid­ity of mus­tard and a sweet touch brought by Pommeau de Normandie.’


Ramen Broth:

Car­cass and chick­en thighs (whole chick­en around 2kg)
3 yel­low onions
1 shallot
1 head of garlic
1 leek
2 lem­on­grass stalks
100g of ginger
2 sprigs of green onion
1 tbsp of Mad­a­gas­car black pepper
50cl of Pommeau
4 tbsp of mustard
10cl of mirin
10cl of shoyu mix (soy sauce, honey, and 5cl of dashi)


Mous­seline stuff­ing for cro­quettes and ballotine:

250g of chick­en breast
250g of cream
1 egg white
50g of fresh sautéed shii­take mushrooms
½ bunch of Thai basil
½ bunch of coriander
2 apples
50g of butter
20g of grated ginger
Salt and pepper
The ballotine:
2 open chick­en fillets
2 tbsp of mous­seline stuff­ing (save the rest for the croquettes)
2 leaves of Thai basil
½ tbsp of sautéed shii­take mushrooms
2 tbsp of white ses­ame seeds
Chick­en croquettes:

Chick­en thighs con­fit in the broth
1 tbsp of chopped Thai basil
1 tbsp of chopped coriander
½ tbsp of shichimi
2 tbsp of finely chopped red onions
The remain­ing mous­seline stuffing
Bread­crumbs for the cro­quettes (around 200g of bread­crumbs, 100g of corn­starch, and 4 egg yolks)

Recipe for 4 people.
Steps for each ele­ment of the recipe:

For the Ramen broth:

Cook the chick­en car­cass and thighs like a pot-au-feu (start­ing cold with the aro­mat­ic gar­nish) for 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Remove the thighs and strain the broth through a sieve, then reduce it by half.
Add the Pommeau de Normandie and reduce by half again.
Moisten with the reduced broth and add the mus­tard, mir­in, and shoyu mix.

Mous­seline stuff­ing for cro­quettes and ballotine:

Make an apple-ginger com­pote by heat­ing the apples, but­ter, and ginger togeth­er, then blend.
Add and mix everything in a blender to obtain a smooth stuff­ing texture.

The bal­lot­ine:

Place the mous­seline stuff­ing, Thai basil leaves, ses­ame seeds, and sautéed shii­take mush­rooms in the cen­ter of each open chick­en fillet.
Roll into a bal­lot­ine using plastic wrap, mak­ing sure to wrap tightly to get a nice shape and pre­vent water from seep­ing in dur­ing cooking.
Cook in a low-tem­per­at­ure water bath for 30 minutes.

Chick­en croquettes:

Shred the chick­en thighs con­fit in the broth and chop them.
Form balls/croquettes about 3–5 cm in diameter.
Coat in bread­crumbs once.
Deep fry at 160°C for 1–2 minutes until golden brown.

Tsuy­uu (Nit­amago egg marinade):

Add all the ingredi­ents to a sauce­pan, bring to a gentle boil until the sug­ar dis­solves, then chill.
Cook the eggs in boil­ing water with a bit of white vin­eg­ar (it makes peel­ing easi­er) for 5 minutes, then plunge them into ice water.

Top­ping garnish:

2 apples diced into large brun­oise, sautéed in but­ter and olive oil with rose­mary, then flam­béed with Cal­va­dos at the end.
200g of thinly sliced shii­take mush­rooms sautéed in but­ter with 1 finely chopped shallot.
1 bunch of finely chopped green onions.

Cook the ramen noodles, then plate (for one portion):

120g of ramen noodles
20cl of broth
1 Nit­amago egg
3 croquettes
¼ of sliced ballotine
2 tbsp of flam­béed apples
2 tbsp of sautéed shii­take mushrooms
2 tbsp of green onions
A pinch of black ses­ame seeds


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