Tropical fruit salad topped with a Pommeau-flavoured sabayon and meringue

Recipe by Isabelle Plunion

Tropical fruit salad topped with a Pommeau-flavoured sabayon and meringue

Pre­par­a­tion time: 40 mins
Cook­ing time: 1 min


Serves 4 people:

1 mango,
12 pineapple
2 kiwis
2 pas­sion fruits

4 very fresh egg yolks
60 g sugar
8 table­spoons Pommeau de Normandie

2 egg whites
60 g sieved icing sugar
1 organ­ic lime 

Peel the fruit and cut into small cubes, add the pulp from the pas­sion fruit. Spoon out the fruit into shal­low bowls or onto small plates in equal portions.

Pre­pare a pan of warm water. In a round-bot­tomed stain­less steel mix­ing bowl, whisk togeth­er the yolks and the sug­ar until the mix­ture turns pale in col­our. Add the Pommeau, set the mix­ing bowl on the bain-mar­ie over a low heat. Whisk vig­or­ously mak­ing 8‑shaped move­ments with the whisk until you obtain a thick, foamy tex­ture. (You could use an elec­tric whisk). Take off the heat and set aside, whisk from time to time to pre­vent the sabayon from setting.

Heat the oven. Whisk the whites with the icing sug­ar to obtain a glossy meringue. Divide out the sabayon equally over the fruit, then place a spoon­ful of meringue on top.

Place under the grill to lightly brown the meringue, watch­ing care­fully to pre­vent it from burn­ing. Take the grat­ins out of the oven and grate a little lime zest over the top of each. Serve immediately.

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