Pommeau-flavoured foie gras

Pommeau-flavoured foie gras


Serves 6 people

1 raw foie gras (500 g)
10 cl Pommeau
2 tea­spoons salt
1 tea­spoon freshly ground pepper
1 tea­spoon sugar
1 tea­spoon four-spice powder

Remove the veins from the foie gras. Mix togeth­er the salt, sug­ar, pep­per and four-spice powder. Sea­son and drizzle the Pommeau over both sides of the foie gras. Re-assemble the lobe of foie gras, roll it in cling film and leave to rest in the refri­ger­at­or for 1 hour.

Remove the cling film, place the foie gras onto a clean tea tow­el, tightly roll the foie gras into a cyl­in­der, tie togeth­er both ends of the tow­el. Plunge the tow­el-wrapped foie gras into a pot of boil­ing salted water and turn off the heat under the pan. Leave for 8 minutes. Remove the foie gras, unroll the tow­el, and then re-wrap it.

Set aside and chill for 12 hours. Serve 2 slices per per­son accom­pan­ied by an apple compote.

Enjoy the foie gras with a glass of well-chilled Pommeau de Normandie.

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