King prawns served in Pommeau-flavoured stock

King prawns served in Pommeau-flavoured stock


Serves 4 people : 

20 king prawns
1 shallot
1 carrot
1 stick of lemongrass
1 pinch four-spice powder
1 apple
10 cl Pommeau de Normandie
2 bay leaves
1 tea­spoon grape­seed oil 

Peel the king prawns, set aside the tails to chill, and crush the shells.

Sweat the chopped shal­lot and the finely diced car­rot in the oil, add the shells, bay leaves, add 0.75l water and sim­mer for 45 min. Sieve the stock.

In a pan, heat the spices (without burn­ing them), add the chopped lem­on­grass and pour in the Pommeau.

Leave to cool for around 30 min so that the Pommeau infuses well. Fil­ter and add a half-litre of prawn stock.

Poach the king prawn tails in the rest of stock until it just starts to simmer.

Place the poached king prawn tails in shal­low soup plates, pour over hot the Pommeau stock, sprinkle with finely cut apple sticks.

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