In perfect

With 8,000 hec­tares of orch­ards con­tain­ing 3 mil­lion apple trees: Pommeau de Normandie fol­lows the rhythm of the ecosystems.

An orchard at dawn in the Pays d'Auge

At a time of climate emergency, these millions of trees act as excellent captors of greenhouse gases

Cider apple in an orchard

Some estim­ate that the car­bon sequest­ra­tion in a cider apple orch­ard is in the range of 35 to 50 tonnes of carbon/hectare over a 25-year period.

The wide diversity of fruit vari­et­ies also ensures the sus­tain­ab­il­ity of the har­vests and a high res­ist­ance to cli­mate variations.

Orch­ards also offer bene­fits in terms of cre­at­ing hab­it­ats for liv­ing organ­isms. Their hori­zont­al and ver­tic­al struc­ture provides a diversity of hab­it­ats and resources to encour­age biod­iversity: shel­ter in winter, repro­duc­tion, food.

The apple orch­ards of Nor­mandy, essen­tial to the pro­duc­tion of Pommeau de Normandie, play a role in envir­on­ment­al pre­ser­va­tion. Over a peri­od of 25 years, they cap­ture between 35 and 50 tons of car­bon per hec­tare, accord­ing to cer­tain estim­ates, thus mak­ing a pos­it­ive con­tri­bu­tion to the fight against cli­mate change.

These orch­ards bene­fit from a wide vari­ety of cider apples. This diversity ensures the sus­tain­ab­il­ity of the har­vests in the face of cli­mate fluc­tu­ations, while also provid­ing advant­ages for the loc­al ecosystem.

With their hori­zont­al and ver­tic­al struc­ture, the apple trees cre­ate var­ied hab­it­ats and essen­tial resources for loc­al wild­life, serving as winter refuges, breed­ing grounds, or sources of food.

The orchards are home to an abundance of fauna.
Bees at the heart of the ecosystem in apple orchards

The apples are grown in the heart of the Nor­mandy boc­age, and sev­er­al spe­cies of birds, not­ably tits, thrive here. These birds act­ively con­trib­ute to the nat­ur­al pred­a­tion of cer­tain pests.

Obser­va­tion centres also show that there is a great­er pres­ence of earth­worms in an orch­ard than there is in a vine­yard, for example, due in par­tic­u­lar to the grass­ing of most of the plots. The soils are there­fore rich­er and bet­ter able to absorb the rainfall.

Pol­lin­a­tion is also fun­da­ment­al to the orch­ards’ pro­duc­tion mech­an­ics. The apple tree can­not pol­lin­ate itself and each orch­ard must there­fore rely on bees and oth­er pol­lin­at­ing insects to ensure the long-term viab­il­ity of its fruit harvest.

In spring, dur­ing the flower­ing peri­od, the Nor­mandy orch­ards are lit­er­ally buzz­ing with activity!

The orch­ards’ abil­ity to provide hab­it­ats for pol­lin­at­ors is estim­ated to be 4 times great­er than that of field crops, par­tic­u­larly cereals. 

Each apple is a flower that has experienced love.
Cider apple orchard

In terms of water usage, irrig­a­tion is pro­hib­ited in the orch­ards and the water con­sumed in the mak­ing of Pommeau de Normandie remains fairly low.

A large volume of water is used for the wash­ing of the fruit, but this is very often in a closed circuit.

Lastly, orch­ards have vari­ous advant­ages when it comes to pre­serving the soil and com­batting erosion: strong, dur­able root sys­tems that enable a good fix­a­tion of the soil, per­man­ent grass cov­er in the rows and inter-row areas, little plough­ing of the soil, etc.

In France, water erosion is respons­ible for the loss of 1.5 tonnes / hec­tare of soil each year.

In addition, the AOC ecosystem provides an important guarantee that the local area, native species and traditional know-how are being respected
Norman cows in an orchard

Wheth­er cer­ti­fied organ­ic or not, Pommeau de Normandie pro­duc­tion pri­or­it­izes min­im­al use of phytosan­it­ary products, with mixed farm­ing prac­tices sup­port­ing nat­ur­al fer­til­iz­a­tion, not­ably through the pres­ence of livestock.

Fruit loss remains rel­at­ively low through­out the pro­duc­tion pro­cess, estim­ated at less than 5%. Pro­du­cers are uncon­cerned with the aes­thet­ic qual­it­ies of the fruit (such as shape, col­or, or uni­form­ity), redu­cing the need for phytosan­it­ary treat­ments aimed at con­trolling these aspects.

Finally, the pro­cessing of apples and pears gen­er­ates vari­ous by-products, includ­ing pectins, anim­al feed, fer­til­izers, and mater­i­als for anaer­obic digestion.

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